275 S Chickasaw Trail Ste 2 Orlando, FL 32825
A root canal is a procedure that your dentist or endodontist performs to remove the infected areas of canals within your tooth. In addition to the infection, the dentist must also remove the nerves in the root.
This is probably one of the most feared procedures by dental clinic patients in Orlando. Root canals, however, are actually very common dental procedures. They are also extremely important, as complications could result (including jaw abscesses) if left untreated. After the infection is removed, the canals are cleaned and filled. Your tooth is finished with a filling or crown.
Root canals vary from person to person. The time each procedure takes depends on the number of infected teeth. You may need to undergo several procedures if you have more than one tooth that needs a root canal. The number of appointments will also depend on the number of infected teeth. Even if there is only one infected tooth, you will most likely need to schedule a follow-up visit.
At Serene Dental, we’ll keep you as comfortable and as relaxed as possible during your root canal. You can choose between a general anesthetic and mild sedation. If you choose a general anesthetic, your endodontist will numb your affected gums. A dental dam will then be placed near the gum before the tooth is drilled (from the top or back of the tooth) to access the affected areas. The endodontist will measure your teeth with x-rays or electronic imaging.
The root canal procedure is relatively simple. The endodontist begins the root canal by removing the infected pulp of the tooth and cleaning the tooth with an antiseptic before filling the canals with a flexible plastic filling and a temporary filling. As soon as the infection has cleared, the endodontist will fill the tooth with a permanent filling or affix a crown to the tooth.
Crowns are the most common way to seal the tooth, as they are the gentlest. They must be affixed to the tooth within one month after a root canal. Patients can expect up to three days of soreness, but the sensitivity may last longer.